Monday, June 30, 2014

Don't believe the hype: The Alfredo-ish sauce

Soooo, over the weekend I was craving alfredo. I searched online and found a vegan alternative to an alfredo sauce. I saw a few recipes but went with the one that had 5 STARS and raving reviews. I was too pumped! Drawn in by the words "It tasted JUST like the real thing", I made the tofu and soy milk based sauce. Lies, lies and more lies. It does NOT taste like alfredo sauce. HOWEVER, it was a good sauce! I was a bit skeptical about working with tofu. I've always imagined it as being something squishy and slimy, so after the sauce was made, I made my sister try it first! Ha! It definitely had an alfredo-ISH vibe. I was pleased with the outcome. I added sauteed mushrooms and topped it with corn & vegan parmesan cheese. I recommend it! Here's the recipe for the sauce:

Friday, June 27, 2014

ThE lOVing hUT

Approaching the end of the second week of my vegan journey and I must say… I feel great! My energy is up and my body just feels different. Some challenges I’ve dealt with is eating out. There arent many restaurant options for “us” vegans. However, last weekend I stumbled upon a gem! A vegan restaurant called “The Loving Hut” in Falls Church, VA. The food was suprisingly very good. My best friend and I went and though she isnt on this journey with me, she enjoyed her food as well! She had a “beef” and broccoli meal with fried rice and I had a hawaiian soy burger. We both started with vegetable rolls, which were awesome!! If you get a chance to go there, it’s a must have!! We finished with a slice of an oreo cake! Dessert is a must for me and this one was delicious. The cake was a little dense and very rich in chocolate but nonetheless worth trying. Overall it was a good experience! Here’s the link if you want to take a glance at the menu:

Thursday, June 26, 2014

30 DaYS veGAn

I decided about a week ago that i would attempt a vegan lifestyle for 30 days. I’ve never been a “blogger” but have always considered it! This new journey has inspired me to finally get started! Firstly being a vegan is pricey! Unless of course you stick to your basic raw vegetables and fruits. I bought most of my groceries from wegmans. I believe it is a little more cost efficient than whole foods. I only bought items that I could not purchase at my local grocery store. So far the experience has been great. I started on Monday. The hardest part is figuring out your meals. Planning is essential! I’ve googled a few recipes online and one of my faves has got to be the pan-seared oatmeal topped with blueberries. I got the recipe from: . The only thing i did differently was used vanilla coconut milk, added vanilla extract, rosewater and some cinnamon to the oatmeal. It was amazing! I’ll try to post pictures as I experiment with new stuff.